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About us

Green Consulting Services, founded in 2009, is dedicated to providing high-quality solutions for the construction industry. We specialize in claims and contract management with a focus on various project types, including onshore and offshore construction, metro, wind farms, water supply, wastewater infrastructure, roads, bridges, railways, and water treatment plants.

Our team of specialists has extensive experience in providing contractual and technical services, covering a wide range of contract types, including FIDIC, NEC, and bespoke contracts. We are well-equipped to assist you in all stages of dispute resolution, from negotiation to resolution tiers

We understand that each client's needs are unique, and we take a collaborative approach to our work, working closely with our clients to develop tailored solutions that address their specific challenges and goals.

Whether you need support in claims management, dispute resolution, or achieving your project objectives, Green Consulting Services has the expertise and resources to help you succeed.

Str. Piata Alba Iulia, nr. 3, bl. I2 , sc. 1, apt. 60, et. 12, Sect 3, Bucuresti
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