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Delay & Disruption analysis

Delay and disruption analysis is a critical tool in construction projects, enabling the identification of causes, quantification of impacts, and assessment of damages or losses resulting from delays and disruptions. It serves as a cornerstone for resolving disputes, negotiating compensation, and implementing preventive measures for future projects. This analysis involves an exhaustive review of project schedules, site records, and other relevant documentation to ascertain their influence on project timelines and costs.

This analysis aligns with the methods outlined in the Society of Construction Law Delay and Disruption Protocol, including As-Planned vs. As-Built, Critical Path Analysis, Time Impact Analysis, Window Analysis, and Impacted as Planned. The choice of method depends on the unique project and the circumstances surrounding the delays.

Delay and disruption analysis primarily serves to establish a cause-and-effect relationship, often in support of claims for Time for Completion extensions in diverse contexts.

Key Activities:

  • Critical path identification.
  • Determination of delay and disruption causes.
  • Quantification of impacts.
Str. Piata Alba Iulia, nr. 3, bl. I2 , sc. 1, apt. 60, et. 12, Sect 3, Bucuresti
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